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National Religion
My Fellow Americans, American morality seemingly has become a thing of the past. Our TV air waves have become a breeding ground for pornography. Our children openly curse, imitating their “role models” from the media. Young girls are wearing less and less. People everywhere are openly defying what used to be considered right and good. Even though the public polls say that the people are generally opposed to these affronts to normal decency--these things that we used to call sinful and wrong in more simpler times--they still continue. Every attempt that someone makes at curbing this onslaught of indecency is stopped dead in the courts by activist judges that have lost focus of what true justice ought to be.
Children are no longer allowed to pray in schools. Nativity scenes can’t be displayed on public property. Judges and teachers are forbidden from displaying the Ten Commandments in their offices and classrooms. And all the while, we are told we must tolerate such abominations as homosexuality. We are told that marriage is an option. Abortion is a valid choice. Evolution is the truth. And even such things as drugs and liquor are a valid life style choice.
The whole world has gone insane and there seems to be nothing we can do about it, all because we’re afraid of offending somebody else’s religious sensitivities. For instance, we are forbidden from leading school children in a simple prayer because we may force them to pray to a god that they find offensive. Heaven forbid that we should offend an atheist!
The problem is complex, but the solution is simple. I propose that the United States adopt a National Religion. No longer would we have to worry about anyone’s sensibilities being offended. No longer would we have to worry about radical parents suing school districts over the Pledge of Allegiance, judges not being allowed to post the Ten Commandments, or people being upset because “In God We Trust” is on our currency.
Whatever laws, whatever rules the chosen religion has will become the laws and rules for everybody. Think of the simplicity! If the National Religion opposes homosexuality, then the queers are out of here! If that religion says adulterers need to be stoned, the only question is where and when. If the religion says “Thou Shalt Not Kill,” then that’s what it is. Nobody gets killed for any reason. Period. Imagine how much money we’ll save on legal expenses alone!
Having a National Religion doesn’t mean that we wouldn’t allow other religious beliefs. This is still America. We still have freedom of religion. It’s just that there would now be no doubt that those other religions are wrong.
And obviously, since the National Religion would be the right religion, then only those who openly profess and can prove that faith would be allowed to participate in the government, including the electoral process. They would be the only ones allowed to vote, assuming that voting were even still necessary.
I propose that we put it to a public vote, that we create an Amendment to the Constitution. Whichever religion gets the most votes becomes the National Religion, unless, of course, it’s something really crazy, like Catholicism or Judaism. We don’t want our children having to cross themselves and pray to idols, or not be forced to believe in Jesus. And God forbid that it should be Islam!
Rationally thinking individuals can surely see that this is the only way out of the current quandary our government has gotten itself into. A Constitutionally mandated Nation Religion would solve everything. Abortions, birth control, capital punishment, divorce, equality, euthanasia, gun control, obscenity, prayer in school, privacy, same sex marriages, school curricula, sex education...the list goes on. There is nothing that a National Religion would not cover.
All that was once good and right in America can be good and right again. We can bring back those days, when everybody knew what right was, and everybody who did wrong was burned as the heathen witches that they were.
Thank You,
Senator Leonard K. Bullfinch