I was walking down the hall here at OTC and I saw these neat picture projects that a class was doing. What they did, pretty much, was take a picture so that it bent everything. It was like looking throught a pane of glass that has a distortion in it so that it warps everything you see.
This led to a what if. What if everybody's eyes warp reality. We all see things bent, but since everybody does, nobody knows the difference. Reality, then, would be based almost solely on perspective. And if so, then what
is real?
And what if someone from another planet came here. Would they think us all strange? And if so, would he, she, it... or whatever they have on that planet, be right?
Remember when you were in school and they taught you that your eyes turn everything upside down, and then your brain turns it back over? Half of that is right. The half that isn't is that your brain doesn't turn it back over. Everything is upside down. We just call it right side up. Up and down is all a byproduct of perspective. In this case, collective perspective. But then, if everything is upside down, why doesn't my coffee spill?
And along those same lines (more or less), if you had a time machine on the moon and went back in time on the moon, would the earth go back in time, too?