Saturday, March 11, 2006

Let Your Voice Be Heard!

You gotta love this guy. He wants to amend the state constitution to make Christianity the official state religion. I got the text of his bill from the Chatter blog site ( ). Ron got it from Sater's official web page.

Whereas, our forefathers of this great nation of the United States recognized a Christian God and used the principles afforded to us by Him as the founding principles of our nation; and

Whereas, as citizens of this great nation, we the majority also wish to exercise our constitutional right to acknowledge our Creator and give thanks for the many gifts provided by Him; and

Whereas, as elected officials we should protect the majority's right to express their religious beliefs while showing respect for those who object; and

Whereas, we wish to continue the wisdom imparted in the Constitution of the United States of America by the founding fathers; and

Whereas, we as elected officials recognize that a Greater Power exists above and beyond the institutions of mankind:

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the members of the House of Representatives of the Ninety-third General Assembly, Second Regular Session, the Senate concurring therein, that we stand with the majority of our constituents and exercise the common sense that voluntary prayer in public schools and religious displays on public property are not a coalition of church and state, but rather the justified recognition of the positive role that Christianity has played in this great nation of ours, the United States of America.

What a guy! We need to show this brave patriot our support. I've already sent him an email, the text of which is reprinted below. I also sent him an appropriate Leonard K. Bullfinch Newsletter, which I reprinted above.

I'm encouraging everybody who regularly reads my blog (both of you) to send him mail. You can even cut and paste mine.

Mr. Sater,

Bless you, sir, for trying to make Christianity our official state religion. But why stop there? After all, if we stick with just Christianity, then we will have to include the Catholics and the Mormons, not to mention those pesky Johovah Witnesses. Isn't there something we can do to keep them from witnessing to me all the time? That's so annoying when people try telling me something that I don't want to hear, much less believe. I'm in favor of making the Good Time Church of the Perpetual Weekend our state religion. Heck, why stop there. Let's make it the national religion. Then we could take every day off with pay, all in the name of God.

Tell me, sir, did you ever read your history books back when you were in school? Yes, the Constitution may include the word God, but does it include the word Jesus? Or are you assuming that when they said God, they meant Jesus? A pretty big assumption, considering that Adams and Jefferson (among others, such as Paine) were Deists. You do know what a Deist is, don't you? Heck fire, Franklin was an atheist. You do know what an atheist is, don't you?

I've attached one of the newsletters from the esteemed Honorable Senator Leonard K. Bullfinch. A kindred soul, I'm sure.


Michael Soetaert
a pesky voter


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