Saturday, February 11, 2006

Working On the Fog Machine

Being a student of language, I had an epiphany the other day. I was truly trying to figure out the difference between stuff like past perfect progressive (I had been wanting) and present perfect progressive (I have been wanting), and my favorite, future past perfect progressive (I will have had been wanting). Part of the epiphany was that nobody probably truly gives a shit. But the other part was that all improvements on language are designed to make it more vague. Nobody really wants to be held to anything, which is the beauty of the passive voice (wanting has been). We no longer even know who wants, or who does, or who's making the mistakes.

And then there are metaphors.

In my never ending effort to enrich the English language (i.e., to make it more vague), I'm trying to add a new metaphor: Working on the Fog Machine.

Working on the Fog Machine is a metaphor for working toward those goals that at times become obscured -- you know, dreams. it can also mean trying purposely to obscure your intentions -- you know, to lie. And it can simultaneously mean both, and it usually does. Because what can be more of a lie than our dreams? But then again, it can also mean to get stoned out of your mind.


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