Friday, February 03, 2006

I'm Lovin' It II (Just when you thought it was safe to go back into McDonald's)

In an earlier post, HGP reported on the billboards for McDonald's that have been appearing around the Ozarks, and maybe other places too, but since I live here, I don't care about anywhere else. Where was I? Oh yeah. These billboards feature a perky young lady who is holding up a McDonald's gift card while stating, "Finally, a gift I won't return." Well no shit.

According to the manager at the McDonald's in Aurora, the biggest reason why you won't return your McDonald's gift card is because you can't. Once you got 'em, you're stuck with 'em. Ya gotta love McDonald's. Oh, I guess that's why it's their motto.

Of course, this should come as no surprise to those of us who have been noticing McDonald's fun use of the English language for years. After all, they're the restaurant that offers us 100% pure beef. Seems a bit redundant to me, but what do I know? Oh, wait, I do know. I have a degree or three in English.

They're the same place that has medium drinks, but no small. I always ask for a small. In fact, I insist on it.

I also am not a big fan of triple thick shakes. That's just a bit too thick for my tastes. So I always ask them to hold a thickness. ("Make mine only double thick, please...")

Do you suppose there are McDonald's in India?


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