Friday, February 10, 2006

Wow, Talk About Your Irony...

I'm not convinced that Bin Laden is truly that intelligent. But then again, I'm not convinced he's really that dumb either. OK, just ignore that last sentence. It makes sense, but it's really not worth the effort to figure out.

So I was sitting at the house the other night playing with my fog machine and it occurred to me that if our (we God-fearing Americans) -- if our freedom was really what the al-Quida guys truly hated...if that is truly why they attacked It only took 19 guys and 4 airplanes to do it. We did the rest. Either Osama got lucky or we really are that dumb.

And while we're on the subject, wouldn't it really suck if your name was Al Kayda? Forget ever getting on the plane. How would you like to be behind him at the airport? It would almost be as bad as being behind Benjamin Laddon.


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