Monday, February 26, 2007

A Lesson Remembered

An old professor of mine at Missouri State (back when it was just a region university), Dr. Alen Crider, once said in one of my principal classes: "Never pick a fight with anybody who buys their ink by the barrel." Sage advice. By the way, ink was selling at $43 a barrel this morning in Europe.


Blogger Camera Obscura said...

Me gran went there when it was just "Springfield Normal College" (and no, she got a business degree.) My dad's original diploma says "Southwest Missouri State College" and when they decided they were a university they offered to re-issue his diploma for a mere $50. Having moved on in both location and degrees-earned, he declined the honor... I wonder how many alumni they've relieved of that amount or more with the last name change? (Growing up local, we always referred to it as "Parking Lot U.", or in the late 70s "John Q. U.")

Sounds like Dr. Crider had come up with a more polite version of "Never mud-wrestle with a pig."

11:37 AM  

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