Friday, February 17, 2006

Cock Swap

OK, so yesterday I'm driving through Granby (hey, what were you doing on Thursday?) and I see this sign advertising a poultry swap on the 2nd and 4th weekends of every month. A poultry swap. I mean, what the hell is a poultry swap? I understand the words, I just don't understand the entire concept. What? If you have a spare chicken you take it to town? And swap it for what? Another chicken? I mean, are chickens like baseball cards?

"Say buddy, I've got two pullets I'll give you for your cock."
"What the hell good is a pullet without a cock? Besides, it's gonna take more than two pullets for my cock."
"But I really want that cock..."
"OK, tell ya what I'll do. You keep your pullets. But I want your ass."
"But that's the only ass I got. Besides, what good is a nice ass without a cock?"
"Lookit, I'll throw in the hen. It's a good deal. You're still getting laid."

Wow. Can't wait to get back to Granby.


Blogger RSmith said...

You know, it's really crazy who you run into out there in cyberspace. Come visit my site over at, and see if you can guess. Say hi to Susan for me.

10:55 PM  

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