Monday, February 27, 2006

The Little Red Hen...sort of

See, there was this chicken
who found some grain,
so she wanted to plant it.
You know the story.
She asked the pig and the cat and the dog,
but they didn't want to help her.
Not at all.
Plantin', growin', cuttin', grindin'.
She even gave them one last chance
when she got ready to bake it,
but still nothin'.
Well, instead of keeping her mouth shut
and just eatin' the bread,
she had to make some big point.
So she goes out and says,
"Now who will help me eat the bread?"
And of course, they all want to.
Like that comes as some surprise.
Well, she says, "Ha! You can't!"
or somethin' like that.
And they all said,
"Like hell!"
And the next thing you know,
they're all eatin' chicken sandwiches.
well, depending on your perspective, of course,
the cat and the dog and the pig
were all too lazy to cook that chicken
before they ate it,
and they all got salmonella and died.

I suppose there's some kinda justice involved here,
but it seems to me somethin' could've been done
to have avoided the whole thing,
but I'll be darned if I know what.


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