Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Standardized Tests

Yes! It's that time of the year again in public schools throughout the country. It's time to measure what our children know. Or, presumably, what they don't. And as I was watching the students eagerly cramming themselves into our performing arts room to be thoroughly assessed (Heh! Heh! You said Ass! Twice!) the following occurred to me.

The assumption is that every student started the year equal. They were all at the same intellectual plateau. After all, they were all promoted, right?

Further, all of them could learn at the same pace and ability. After all, if they couldn't, they would be in special ed, right?

Further, they all had the same opportunity to learn. That's why a school has a curriculum.

Therefore, if they do not learn, it is either because they chose not to learn, or they were not adequately taught. Still keeping up?

However, it is the teacher's responsibility to inspire the students to learn, and to do well.

Therefore, if students end the school year at different levels, it is the teacher's fault.

Knowing that I'll sleep so much better tonight.


Blogger thinkingthings said...

Get this: Apparently they're paying kids in at least one Springfield high school $25 a test for proficient or above scores. Bribery works, I guess, but where oh where are they getting the money when they reportedly can't afford enough buses?

4:01 PM  

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