Friday, November 11, 2005

A Noble Profession

It is a noble profession, mine.
Inspiring young minds to goosestep to conformity,
to finally accept that life is inherently unfair,
and in so doing admit that any effort to rectify this inequality
is pointless, futile, impossible,
and therefore never try.
This is what we call the Status Quo.

It is a noble profession, mine;
training these young minds to enjoy the taste of dog
in a dog eat dog world,
and the constant drilling that it is they and only they
who are ultimately responsible for themselves,
and in so doing insure the inverse:
that they are responsible for nobody else.

It is a noble profession, mine.
Entrusted with the keys to the gate.
Insuring that none shall pass
unless they can calculate, conjugate, and elocute
that which we have predetermined to be proof
of an enlightened mind.
Aristotle and the Bible.
John Locke and Mein Kampf.
Plato and Pliny,
Khrushchev and Kennedy.
Fission and fusion.
No gray of confusion.
And all that is good and clean and white.

God bless us all.


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