Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Requiem for a Squirrel

Squirrels have to die,
I suppose.
Those that don't drop in front of cars
or get captured by cats,
eventually they have to die.
That's when
they'd fall out of a tree
and land on the sidewalk
that runs hidden behind your house.

Leaving you to decide
to bag it or bury it.
Burying seems the more humane thing to do
even though rationally you know
that humane really makes no difference
after they're dead.

Leaving you to decide,
should you say a few words
or at least religate to the spiritual.
Contemplate your own mortality.
Even though rationally you know
that even if squirrels did have souls
and the freewill to sin,
their fate is already sealed
well before you're standing there
deciding what words you should say.


Blogger Unknown said...

In regards the the monologue on this website

(which I am assuming is one of your's, not quite sure if it is)

I was wondering what the context of the monolgue was and what previously had happened to the character to influence the monologue 'Squirrels'. I am also curious as to what type of person this character is and what their life circumstances are?

Thank you

1:20 AM  

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